Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to 112

Hey everybody! Glad to have you in 112 this semester. It should be a lot of fun.

I'm new to BYU (kind of), so I thought I'd share a story to help introduce myself. Here we go.

Damon from Benjamin Thevenin on Vimeo.

Before Thursday, be sure to do the following:
  • Read over the syllabus carefully (to get it, go to, find 112 in your courses, and the good-looking syllabus with links will be under the "Content" tab as "Good-Looking Syllabus with Links").
  • Set up your own blog on which you'll post your creative projects this semester and then email me the link.
  • Read Forbes' "The Power of Story in an Age of Consequence"
  • Choose a piece of instrumental music (w/o lyrics) for your Music Mosaic, which we'll work on during Thursday's class. Look for a post very soon with more details about that assignment.

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