Thursday, September 27, 2012

2 Cool HiStory Things

Here's the film we didn't get to in class. My Grandmother Ironed the King's Shirts (1999) is an excellent example of history as a creative process. It also demonstrates a very valuable type of genealogy--one in which families are sealed together through story.

Also, I came across this piece--Ken Burns on Story--which, considering his approach to mining history for source material for his documentaries, also has something to offer our discussion of HiStory.

And for those of you who didn't hear or weren't present, please post pdf's (as embedded jpg's) of each page of your script on each of your blogs (both partners). Then include 1 artists' statement on which both partners also collaborated on each of your blogs (both partners).

And as a follow up to our discussion about the transparency of my evaluative process, I will be considering the following things in my (admittedly but justifiably) subjective review of your scripts:
  • Character 
  • Context
  • Narrative
  • Plot
  • Dialogue
  • Theme
  • Following directions

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