Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Extra Credit Assignment

You will have the opportunity to earn up to 10 points of extra credit for posting the following assignment to your blog by 11:59pm on Tuesday, Dec. 4th...

I'm planning for a new 112 class next semester and there are a few assignments that I may sub out and work on a little bit. I'm relying on your collective creative genius to provide me with some ideas for replacement assignments. So, the extra-credit assignment will essentially be a proposal for a new lesson/assignment that I could include in the course next semester. Here's what it would involve.
  • A description of the primary concept(s) addressed in the in-class lecture/discussion/activity. For example, you might have found some idea in 114 to be particularly interesting and applicable to our class' objectives of exploring the location, creation and presentation of artistic expressions, developing your individual artistic voice, and gaining experience in collaborative creative projects. Well, summarize that idea in a few sentences and discuss how that concept might contribute to one or more of those objectives (including what unit it might fit into). And then provide one media example (a film clip, painting, audio doc, whatever) that would help illustrate both the concept and its relationship to the course objectives (with a written explanation of these connections).
  • An assignment description (like those on the syllabus) in which you introduce a creative project, address some specifics of process and/or product, and then encourage student reflection on certain aspects of that process and/or product (this is where you connect the creation to the conceptual foundations in your previous paragraph). You do not have to complete the creative project yourself (but I guess if you wanted to you could).
There was a question about tweaking existing assignments. You can use an existing assignment as a starting point for your proposed lesson/assignment, but what you submit should be substantively your creation. If you're just tweaking a few things on the Textual Poaching or the Concerned Citizen, that won't be enough to earn you much (if any) extra credit.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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